Sweet memories in SweetMe.

Standard Room
❀About the Room❀
- Price: TWD$10,000
- Square Meters: 19-26 square meters
- Bed Type: Double bed (one large bed/two small beds)
- Check-in/Check-out: Check-in at 3:00 PM and check-out at 11:00 AM, regardless of weekdays or weekends.
- Buffet breakfast provided based on the number of guests and room type.
- Based on the number of visitors and room type, complimentary public nude spring access is provided during the stay; access is twice.
❀ Notes❀
- Room rates are subject to a 10% service charge (service charge is 10% of the original price).
- Extra bed: Children aged 0-6 (below 120 cm) are free of charge. Adults are not permitted to add.
- Most major credit cards are accepted.
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Holiday standards are determined by the hotel.
- The public nude hot springs are divided into male and female areas. Children must be over 120 cm tall (including) to use them.
Children over 120 cm tall but under 12 years old they are accompanied by an adult.

Deluxe twin
❀About the Room❀
- Price: TWD$11,000
- Square Meters: 33 square meters
- Bed Type: Twin (two small beds)
- Check-in/Check-out: Check-in at 3:00 PM and check-out at 11:00 AM, regardless of weekdays or weekends.
- Buffet breakfast provided based on the number of guests and room type.
- Based on the number of visitors and room type, complimentary public nude spring access is provided during the stay; access is twice.
- Room rates are subject to a 10% service charge (service charge is 10% of the original price).
- Extra bed: Only available for tatami beds. Children aged 6–11 (over 120 cm) are charged TWD$1,100, and adults (aged 12 and older) are charged TWD$1,650.
- Most major credit cards are accepted.
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Holiday standards are determined by the hotel.
- The public nude hot springs are divided into male and female areas. Children must be over 120 cm tall (including) to use them.
Children over 120 cm tall but under 12 years old they are accompanied by an adult.

Deluxe Double
❀About the Room❀
- Price: TWD$12,000
- Square Meters: 33 square meters
- Bed Type: Double bed.
- Check-in/Check-out: Check-in at 3:00 PM and check-out at 11:00 AM, regardless of weekdays or weekends.
- Buffet breakfast provided based on the number of guests and room type.
- Based on the number of visitors and room type, complimentary public nude spring access is provided during the stay; access is twice.
- Room rates are subject to a 10% service charge (service charge is 10% of the original price).
- Extra bed: Children aged 0-6 (below 120 cm) are free of charge. Adults are not permitted to add.
- Most major credit cards are accepted.
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Holiday standards are determined by the hotel.
- The public nude hot springs are divided into male and female areas. Children must be over 120 cm tall (including) to use them.
Children over 120 cm tall but under 12 years old they are accompanied by an adult.

Family room
❀About the Room❀
- Price: TWD $15,000
- Square Meters: 33-39 square meters
- Bed Type: Two double bed/ tatami beds.
- Check-in/Check-out: Check-in at 3:00 PM and check-out at 11:00 AM, regardless of weekdays or weekends.
- Buffet breakfast provided based on the number of guests and room type.
- Based on the number of visitors and room type, complimentary public nude spring access is provided during the stay; access is twice.
- Room rates are subject to a 10% service charge (service charge is 10% of the original price).
- Extra bed: Only available for tatami beds. Children aged 6–11 (over 120 cm) are charged TWD$1,100, and adults (aged 12 and older) are charged TWD $1,650.
- Two double bed only for Children aged 0-6 (below 120 cm) are free of charge. Adults are not permitted to add.
- Most major credit cards are accepted.
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Holiday standards are determined by the hotel.
- The public nude hot springs are divided into male and female areas. Children must be over 120 cm tall (including) to use them.
Children over 120 cm tall but under 12 years old they are accompanied by an adult.

Executive room
❀About the Room❀
- Price: TWD$13,000
- Square Meters: 33-39 square meters
- Bed Type: Double bed(one large bed)
- Check-in/Check-out: Check-in at 3:00 PM and check-out at 11:00 AM, regardless of weekdays or weekends
- Buffet breakfast provided based on the number of guests and room type.
- Based on the number of visitors and room type, complimentary public nude spring access is provided during the stay; access is twice.
- Room rates are subject to a 10% service charge (service charge is 10% of the original price).
- Extra bed: Children aged 0-6 (below 120 cm) are free of charge. Adults are not permitted to add.
- Most major credit cards are accepted.
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Holiday standards are determined by the hotel.
- The public nude hot springs are divided into male and female areas. Children must be over 120 cm tall (including) to use them.
Children over 120 cm tall but under 12 years old they are accompanied by an adult.

Sweetme suite
❀ About the Room❀
- Price: TWD $50,000
- Square Meters: 102 square meters
- Bed Type: Double bed (one large bed/two small beds)
- Check-in/Check-out: Check-in at 3:00 PM and check-out at 11:00 AM, regardless of weekdays or weekends.
- Buffet breakfast provided based on the number of guests and room type.
- Based on the number of visitors and room type, complimentary public nude spring access is provided during the stay; access is twice.
- Room rates are subject to a 10% service charge (service charge is 10% of the original price).
- Extra bed: Children aged 0-6 (below 120 cm) are free of charge. Adults are not permitted to add.
- Most major credit cards are accepted.
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
- Holiday standards are determined by the hotel.
- The public nude hot springs are divided into male and female areas. Children must be over 120 cm tall (including) to use them.
Children over 120 cm tall but under 12 years old they are accompanied by an adult.

Birthday celebrants
1. Breakfast for two person
2. Complimentary Minibar
3. Limited to the birthday month
4.Standard Double Room Upgraded to Deluxe Double Room
5.Exclusive birthday gift and tipsy drinks
6.Enjoy 15% discount on SPA massage (reservation required at least one day in advance)
7. Free unlimited Internet access in the entire hotel (please bring your own computer)
8. In-room hot springs are available 24 hours a day.
9. The public bath is separate naked bath for men and women.
During your stay, you will receive a public nude bath experience based on the number of people in the room type. If you are under 12 years old, you must be accompanied by an adult at all times to enter the venue

點我預訂春酒尾牙專案 <電話預約餐廳場勘即送精美小禮1份! 通關密語:水美精美小禮 >
北投水美2025春酒尾牙 歲末豪華饗宴
- #加碼贈送客房泡湯、住宿券
精緻宴席:12,888+10%|蛇足飽滿 純翔安康
【專案內容】 迎賓開胃菜(泰式透抽、考麩、鹽味毛豆、百香青木瓜、蜜番茄)
龍蝦透抽沙拉 /避風塘原隻鮑 /御製佛跳牆/ 秘味烤肋排 /黑蒜燉雞湯/ 剁椒蒸石斑/ 櫻花蝦米糕/ 杏汁燉桃膠 /起司炸芋丸
豪華饗宴:15,888+10%|龍騰蛇舞 萬事俱足
【專案內容】 迎賓開胃菜(泰式透抽、考麩、鹽味毛豆、百香青木瓜、蜜番茄)
龍蝦和風鮑 /XO炒雙鮮 /一品佛跳牆 /秘味牛小排 /人蔘燉雞湯/ 清蒸龍虎班 /櫻花蝦米糕 /杏汁燉桃膠 /寶島鮮果盤

- breakfast and dinner included.
- Complimentary Minibar
- Free unlimited Internet access in the entire hotel (please bring your own computer)
- In-room hot springs are available 24 hours a day.
- The public bath is separate naked bath for men and women.


• 饗湯雙人同行優惠價:
平日$3,200 假日$3,500
1.享用海陸暖味饗宴 2客
2.日月湯屋90分鐘 或大眾湯不限時進出一次(二擇一)
•餐飲可提前預約 (02)2898-3838
早 餐 : 7:00~10:00
中 餐 : 11:30~14:00
晚 餐 : 17:30-20:30(週二至週五) 17:30~21:30(週六、週日)

Girl's Trip
- breakfast and spa 60mins included.
- Complimentary Minibar
- Free unlimited Internet access in the entire hotel (please bring your own computer)
- In-room hot springs are available 24 hours a day.
- The public bath is separate naked bath for men and women.

水美牛肉麵 超值優惠【買四送一】
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客房備品 熱賣中~~
再也不用受夠台灣的天氣 找不到好用的保養商品了! 手刀下單去
- 保濕補水的配方
- 不添加酒精、香精與色素
- 告別「乾」尬期
溫和滋養調理肌膚, 展現肌膚自然光澤。
輕輕念著你懂的咒語 一扇門就通往女巫的故鄉

SweetMe 2025 calendar
Weekdays and Holidays List.
❀Housing Holidays❀
- Chinese New Year Holidays:
- 1/28-2/2
- Holidays:
- 12/31
- Weekends:
- Saturdays from April to September.
- Fridays and Saturdays from October to March.
- 1/27、2/27-2/28、4/2-4/5、5/30-5/31、10/3-10/5、10/9-10/11
❀Hot Springs Holidays❀
- Chinese New Year Holidays:
- 1/28-2/1
- Holidays:
- 12/31
- Weekends:
- Saturdays and Sundays of every month.
- Friday to Sunday from December to January.
- 1/1、1/27、2/28、4/3-4/5、5/1、5/30-5/31、10/4-10/6、10/10-10/12

Starting from September 1st, disposable amenities will no longer be provided in guest rooms. If you need any, please visit the front desk on the first floor. Thank you.

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- 夏特惠大眾湯券
WMWA2024050300240-WMWA2024050300269 計30張
- 水美食府早餐券
WMWA2024071400236-WMWA2024071400242 計7張
- 北投水美溫泉通用券
WMWA2024072300242-WMWA2024072300250 計9張
- 夏特惠大眾湯券
WMWA2024072300260-WMWA2024072300261 計2張

水美滴雞精+水美熬雞湯 新鮮現做75折起
每日輕鬆補充營養 開啟一整天的活力!
選用古早雞熬煮 淬煉雞湯精華
增添料理風味層次 在家烹出五星級美味佳餚

水美X力麗儷山林會館 日月潭館 聯合住宿專案
1. 依房型贈送自助式早餐、大眾裸湯體驗
2. 免費升等豪華雙人房
3. 可享第三人住入住免費(含早餐)
4. 平日可延遲退房至12:00
5. 入住加贈好禮:女巫煎餅,面膜
6. 若加購晚餐買一送一 (限定$680套餐)
7. 限平日入住使用,如欲假日使用以下規範:
旺季(1-3月)-- 週五加價$800 / 週六加價$1,500
淡季(4-9月)-- 假日可使用,不另加價
8. 專案不適用日期如下:2025/1/25-2/1、2/28-3/1、4/2-4/5
水美湯為男女分開之裸湯,兒童需滿120公分以上且若未滿12歲 需有成人全程陪同方可入場。
【力麗儷山林會館 日月潭館】
官網連結: https://sunmoonlake.lealeahotel.com/
1. 精緻雙人房(免費升等湖景雙人房)
2. 依房型贈送早餐
3. 平日可享延遲退房至12:00
4. 超值方案二選一
4-1 台中高鐵來回接駁買一送一 (原價單趟500/人)
4-2魚藻餐廳風味晚餐買一送一 (原價套餐780+10%/人)

普濟寺 Puji Temple
In 1934, during its reconstruction, due to the large number of believers being employees of the Railway Department of the Taiwan Governor-General's Office, it was named "Tiezhen Institute" after the posthumous title "Tiezhen" of Murakami Shouichi, the head of the transportation section of the Railway Department, and a "Murakami Shouichi Memorial Stele" was erected in the temple. In 1998, it was officially designated as a municipal historical site, exuding a serene and comfortable atmosphere.
The temple adopts a distinct Japanese style, presenting the beauty of simplicity, tranquility, and solemnity of a Japanese shrine, with the main hall made of high-grade hinoki wood. Japanese worship rituals are still practiced here to this day.

地熱谷 Geothermal Valley
Located next to Beitou Hot Spring Park, Geothermal Valley is one of the sources of Beitou Hot Spring. Because of its perpetual sulfurous haze, which resembles a horrifying hell, it is often referred to as "Hell Valley" or "Ghost Lake." The hot springs here have the highest temperature in the Datun volcanic group, and the misty scenery of sulfuric smoke is like a dream, resembling a fairyland. It was once one of the Eight Scenic Spots and Twelve Sights of Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era.
The rocks in Geothermal Valley contain the radioactive element "radium," called "Beitou Stone," which is the only mineral named after a place in Taiwan among thousands of minerals in the world. Currently, only Beitou in Taiwan and Tamagawa in Japan have this kind of mineral. In recent years, in order to restore Beitou Stone, the Beitou Stone Protection Area was established. Visiting here, besides experiencing the sentiment of a hot spring town, allows for a deeper understanding of this unique mineral.
The spring water in Geothermal Valley is an acidic hydrochloric spring with a temperature range of 80 to 100 degrees Celsius. The spring water, sometimes referred to as "blue sulfur spring" and "sulfurous water," has a high pH and is caustic. In the past, tourists often boiled "hot spring eggs" in Geothermal Valley using the high-temperature spring water. However, in recent years, in order to protect the water quality of the hot springs and avoid accidents caused by tourists falling, it has been prohibited for people to boil eggs in Geothermal Valley! When visiting Geothermal Valley, do not bring food with you to avoid disappointment!

北投圖書館 Beitou Library
The Beitou Branch of Taipei Public Library is Taiwan's first green building library, located in the lush and ecologically rich Beitou Park, adjacent to the Hot Spring Museum. It consists of one underground floor and two above-ground floors, with a total area of 2148.77 square meters. The auditory experience of outdoor bird melodies while reading indoors enhances the ambiance and enjoyment of the activity.
The library houses over ten thousand books, with "ecological conservation" as its collection feature. The abundant knowledge treasure trove makes book lovers feel like they are in a literary paradise. Outdoors, there are wooden walkways, tables, and chairs, in addition to reading platforms that enable readers to take in the breeze while engrossed in the world of literature amidst the natural environment, in addition to chairs and desks that are thoughtfully crafted to complement the architecture of the indoor reading area. When you want to take a break, walk outside and see the lush green forest and the ecological lotus pond. It not only relaxes the eyes but also relaxes the mind and body.
The roof is a lightweight ecological roof with solar photovoltaic panels that can generate 16 kilowatts of electricity. It also adopts a large number of balcony deep shading and vertical wooden grilles to reduce the entry of radiant heat into the interior and achieve energy-saving effects. The green roof and sloping grass slope design can naturally retain moisture, drain to rainwater collection tanks, and then reuse the collected water for plant irrigation and toilet flushing, achieving both greening and reducing water resource waste.

北投溫泉博物館 Beitou Hot Spring Museum
The Beitou Hot Spring Museum was formerly the "Beitou Public Bathhouse," planned by the Governor of Taihoku chō, Imura Daikichi, during the Japanese colonial period, and supervised by architect Moriyama Matsunosuke. Completed on June 17, 1913 (the 2nd year of Taisho), it is a two-story building in a mix of Western and Japanese styles and was the largest public bathhouse in East Asia at the time. The first-floor bath area is made of brick, and the second-floor rest area is made of wood, with the entrance located on the second floor.
The bathhouse utilized the public health funds of Taihoku chō at that time and was modeled after the Izu-yama hot spring bathhouse in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. The second-floor rest area features a pavilion, a shoe-changing entrance, and a tatami hall where visitors can chill off after soaking in the hot springs. Adjacent to the lobby is an extended platform called the "Observation Tower," where visitors can admire the views of Beitou Mountain. In addition, snacks and beverages are also sold indoors, and sometimes cultural and artistic performances are arranged.

瀧乃湯 Long Nice Hot Spring
A century-old bath. Taiwan's hot spring: Warmth of the spring. Warmth of the people.
Deep within the Xinbeitou hot spring village in Taipei, Long Nice Hot Spring is a natural and unpretentious hot spring bathhouse that conceals a wealth of history and enlightening anecdotes.
The architecture of the Long Nice Hot Spring Bathhouse continues to exemplify a rare and consistent folk aesthetic. It is the oldest establishment in the Xinbeitou hot spring region that retains a Japanese-style hot spring bathhouse and is the most comfortable location for the general public to relax and rejuvenate.
Aside from its steadfast dedication to supplying the purest, most authentic sulfur spring water of superior quality, Long Nice Hot Spring's allure stems from the ambiance and sentiments that have been preserved over the years.

新北投車站 Xinbeitou Historic Station
During the Japanese colonial period, in order to develop the hot spring tourism industry in the Xinbeitou area, the Xinbeitou branch line was built. After the establishment of the "Xinbeitou Platform" in 1916 (Taisho 5), it was renamed "Xinbeitou Station." The name "Xinbeitou" was derived from here. Xinbeitou Station is the only station in all of Taipei City that is still operational after a century of operation along the Tamsui Line. The station building is constructed entirely of wood. Notable architectural elements include the engraved brackets beneath the eaves and the 3+1 combination dormer windows that were installed in 1937 as a result of the station building's expansion.

北投梅庭 Beitou Plum Garden
A villa constructed in the interwar period, the Beitou Plum Garden was designed in the Japanese-Western style and was completed in the late 1930s.
Its incorporation of a wooden frame structure from Japan and an RC structure in the manner of the West demonstrates the architecture and technology of the time.
The Plum Garden is located at the end of century-old Beitou Park, with an outdoor courtyard surrounded by greenery, built along the Beitou Stream. The battlement-style Qilian stone wall is no longer mined today. The words "Plum Garden" on the gate pillar are in the calligraphy of the calligrapher, Yu Youren. There is a loft and an underground air-raid shelter. There used to be a hot spring bath in the house, showing the typical historical features of the Beitou hot spring area. It was designated a "Taipei City Historic Building" in 2006 on account of its architectural merits and regard for historical preservation.

北投兒童公園 Beitou Children's Park
Beitou Children's Park is located opposite the Xinbeitou Hot Spring Museum. The most famous feature here is the century-old millstone slide.
In 2020, the park underwent a regeneration project, retaining the original appearance of the century-old monument and adding new inclusive playground equipment to create a new playground for children.

北投公園露天溫泉 千禧湯 Beitou Park Outdoor Hot Spring: Millennium Hot Spring
Since the opening of the park area in December 1999 mirrored the turn of the millennium, it is also referred to as the "Millennium Hot Spring." Covering an area of about 1000 square meters, the overall design of the park is Japanese-style, mainly using natural materials such as natural stone and wood. The roofs of the ticket booth and the toilet are made of black kawara, exuding a Japanese-Polish atmosphere.
The source of the park's spring water comes from the Geothermal Valley, which is commonly known as "Green Sulfur Spring" by the general public. The six public pools are scattered according to the terrain, four of which are hot spring pools and two are cold water pools. The water temperature decreases according to the elevation of the pool location, with temperatures ranging from 38 to 45 degrees Celsius, allowing guests to choose the suitable hot spring pool freely according to their preferences.
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SweetMe Hot Spring Resort (Taipei)
No 224 Guangming Road Beitou District, Taipei, TAIPEI CITY, 112, Taiwan
F +886228984505
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